Canada Close Up: Canadian Sports | Scholastic Canada
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Canada Close Up: Canadian Sports

Canada Close Up: Canadian Sports Canadian Title

By Susan Hughes   

Scholastic Canada Ltd | ISBN 9780545990127 Paperback
64 Pages | 6.01" x 8.96" | Ages 7 to 9

Whether it's the sports we invented or the sports we just love, this book examines Canada's role in sports history.

Basketball Night in Canada? How about the Synchronized Swimming Playoffs? Perhaps not, but did you know that both basketball and synchronized swimming were invented by Canadians?

This new addition to the Canada Close Up series steps up and delivers a fact-filled enjoyable read about sports and sports stars. And the full-colour photos help the reader relive some truly great moments in the action-packed world of sports.

The books in the Canada Close Up series are a great reference tool for young readers. Simple explanations, engaging photographs, and a user-friendly table of contents make them the perfect resource for projects, and an informative read for a curious young mind.
