Blue Mountain Trouble | Scholastic Canada
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  • Short-listed, Canadian Library Association Book of the Year For Children, 2010
  • Commended, OLA Best Bets, 2010

Blue Mountain Trouble Canadian Title

By Martin Mordecai   

Scholastic Inc | ISBN 9780545041560 Hardcover
352 Pages | 5.69" x 8.5" | Ages 9 to 12

Tucked high in the Jamaica Blue Mountains is Top Valley, home to twelve-year-old twins: the sharp-eyed (and sharp-mouthed) Pollyread Gilmore and her brother, Jackson, who's always up for (and in) trouble. But the twins aren't going to have to look too hard for mischief: The town jailbird named Jammy is back and for some reason he's targeting the Gilmore family. With the twins' mother sick and their father distracted, it's up to Jackson and Pollyread to take on Jammy and keep their family strong.