Scholastic Canada: Ann M. Martin


    Non-Series Books

  1. Bummer Summer
  2. Inside Out
  3. Belle Teal
  4. A Corner of the Universe
  5. A Dog's Life
  6. On Christmas Eve
  7. Eleven Kids, One Summer
  8. Missing Since Monday
  9. The Meanest Doll in the World
  10. Friends: Stories About New Friends, Old Friends, And Unexpectedly True Friends
  11. Stage Fright
  12. Me and Katie (the Pest)
  13. With You and Without You
  14. Just a Summer Romance
  15. Slam Book
  16. Ten Kids, No Pets
  17. Yours Turly, Shirley
  18. Ma and Pa Dracula
  19. Rachel Parker, Kindergarten Show-off
  20. The Doll People
  21. Leo the Magnificat
  22. Main Street

  23. 1: Welcome to Camden Falls
  24. 2: Needle and Thread
  25. 3: To Be Announced Soon!
  26. BSC Graphix

  27. 1. Kristy’s Great Idea
  28. 2. The Truth About Stacey
  29. 3. Mary-Anne Saves the Day
  30. California Diaries

  31. 1: Dawn
  32. 2: Sunny
  33. 3: Maggie
  34. 4: Amalia
  35. 5: Ducky
  36. 6: Sunny, Diary Two
  37. 7: Dawn, Diary Two
  38. 8: Maggie, Diary Two
  39. 9: Amalia, Diary Two
  40. 10: Ducky, Diary Two
  41. 11: Dawn, Diary Three
  42. 12: Sunny, Diary Three
  43. 13: Maggie, Diary Three
  44. 14: Amalia, Diary Three
  45. 15: Ducky, Diary Three
  46. The Kids of Ms. Colman’s Class

  47. 1: Teachers Pet
  48. 2: Author Day
  49. 3: Class Play
  50. 4: Second Grade Baby
  51. 5: Snow War
  52. 6: Twin Trouble
  53. 7: Science Fair
  54. 8: Summer School
  55. 9: Halloween Parade
  56. 10: Holiday Time
  57. 11: Spelling Bee
  58. 12: Baby Animal Zoo
  59. With Paula Danzinger

  60. P.S. Longer Letter Later
  61. Snail Mail No More
  62. The Baby-Sitters Club

  63. BSC 1: Kristy's Great Idea
  64. BSC 2: Claudia and the Phantom Phone Calls
  65. BSC 3: The Truth About Stacey
  66. BSC 4: Mary Anne Saves the Day
  67. BSC 5: Dawn and the Impossible Three
  68. BSC 6: Kristy's Big Day
  69. BSC 7: Claudia and Mean Janine
  70. BSC 8: Boy-Crazy Stacey
  71. BSC 9: The Ghost at Dawn's House
  72. BSC 10: Logan Likes Mary Anne!
  73. BSC 11: Kristy and the Snobs
  74. BSC 12: Claudia and the New Girl
  75. BSC 13: Good-bye Stacey, Good-bye
  76. BSC 14: Hello, Mallory
  77. BSC 15: Little Miss Stoneybrook…and Dawn:
  78. BSC 16: Jessi's Secret Language
  79. BSC 17: Mary Anne's Bad-Luck Mystery
  80. BSC 18: Stacey's Mistake
  81. BSC 19: Claudia and the Bad Joke
  82. BSC 20: Kristy and the Walking Disaster
  83. BSC 21: Mallory and the Trouble With Twins
  84. BSC 22: Jessi Ramsey, Pet-sitter:
  85. BSC 23: Dawn on the Coast
  86. BSC 24: Kristy and the Mother's Day Surprise
  87. BSC 25: Mary Anne and the Search for Tigger
  88. BSC 26: Claudia and the Sad Good-bye
  89. BSC 27: Jessi and the Superbrat
  90. BSC 28: Welcome Back, Stacey!
  91. BSC 29: Mallory and the Mystery Diary
  92. BSC 30: Mary Anne and the Great Romance
  93. BSC 31: Dawn's Wicked Stepsister
  94. BSC 32: Kristy and the Secret of Susan
  95. BSC 33: Claudia and the Great Search
  96. BSC 34: Mary Anne and Too Many Boys
  97. BSC 35: Stacey and Mystery of Stoneybrook
  98. BSC 36: Jessi's Baby-sitter
  99. BSC 37: Dawn and the Older Boy
  100. BSC 38: Kristy's Mystery Admirer
  101. BSC 39: Poor Mallory!
  102. BSC 40: Claudia and the Middle School Mystery
  103. BSC 41: Mary Anne vs. Logan
  104. BSC 42: Jessi and the Dance School Phantom
  105. BSC 43: Stacey's Emergency
  106. BSC 44: Dawn and the Big Sleepover
  107. BSC 45: Kristy and the Baby Parade
  108. BSC 46: Mary Anne Misses Logan
  109. BSC 47: Mallory on Strike
  110. BSC 48: Jessi's Wish
  111. BSC 49: Claudia and the Genius of Elm Street
  112. BSC 50: Dawn's Big Date
  113. BSC 51: Stacey's Ex-Best Friend
  114. BSC 52: Mary Anne + 2 Many Babies
  115. BSC 53: Kristy for President
  116. BSC 54: Mallory and the Dream Horse
  117. BSC 55: Jessi's Gold Medal
  118. BSC 56: Keep Out, Claudia
  119. BSC 57: Dawn Saves the Planet
  120. BSC 58: Stacey's Choice
  121. BSC 59: Mallory Hates Boys (and Gym)
  122. BSC 60: Mary Anne's Makeover
  123. BSC 61: Jessi and the Awful Secret
  124. BSC 62: Kristy and the Worst Kid Ever
  125. BSC 63: Claudia's --Freind-- Friend
  126. BSC 64: Dawn's Family Feud
  127. BSC 65: Stacey's Big Crush
  128. BSC 66: Maid Mary Anne
  129. BSC 67: Dawn's Big Move
  130. BSC 68: Jessi and the Bad Baby-sitter
  131. BSC 69: Get Well Soon, Mallory
  132. BSC 70: Stacey and the Cheerleaders
  133. BSC 71: Claudia and the Perfect Boy
  134. BSC 72: Dawn and the We Love Kids Club
  135. BSC 73: Mary Anne and Miss Priss
  136. BSC 74: Kristy and the Copycat
  137. BSC 75: Jessi's Horrible Prank
  138. BSC 76: Stacey's Lie
  139. BSC 77: Dawn and Whitney, Friends Forever
  140. BSC 78: Claudia and Crazy Peaches
  141. BSC 79: Mary Anne Breaks the Rules
  142. BSC 80: Mallory Pike, 1 Fan
  143. BSC 81: Kristy and Mr. Mom
  144. BSC 82: Jessi and the Troublemaker
  145. BSC 83: Stacey vs. the BSC
  146. BSC 84: Dawn and the School Spirit War
  147. BSC 85: Claudia Kishi, Live From WSTO!
  148. BSC 86: Mary Anne and Camp BSC
  149. BSC 87: Stacey and the Bad Girls
  150. BSC 88: Farewell, Dawn
  151. BSC 89: Kristy and the Dirty Diapers
  152. BSC 90: Welcome to the BSC, Abby
  153. BSC 91: Claudia and the First Thanksgiving
  154. BSC 92: Mallory's Christmas Wish
  155. BSC 93: Mary Anne and the Memory Garden
  156. BSC 94: Stacey McGill, Super Sitter
  157. BSC 95: Kristy + Bart = ?
  158. BSC 96: Abby's Lucky Thirteen
  159. BSC 97: Claudia and the World's Cutest Baby
  160. BSC 98: Dawn and Too Many Sitters
  161. BSC 99: Stacey's Broken Heart
  162. BSC 100: Kristy's Worst Idea
  163. BSC 101: Claudia Kishi, Middle School Dropout
  164. BSC 102: Mary Anne And The Little Princess
  165. BSC 103: Happy Holidays, Jessi
  166. BSC 104: Abby's Twin
  167. BSC 105: Stacey The Math Whiz
  168. BSC 106: Claudia, Queen of The Seventh Grade
  169. BSC 107: Mind Your Own Business, Kristy!
  170. BSC 108: Don't Give Up, Mallory
  171. BSC 109: Mary Anne To The Rescue
  172. BSC 110: Abby the Bad Sport
  173. BSC 111: Stacey's Secret Friend
  174. BSC 112: Kristy and the Sister War
  175. BSC 113: Claudia Makes Up Her Mind
  176. BSC 114: The Secret Life of Mary Anne Spier
  177. BSC 115: Jessi's Big Break
  178. BSC 116: Abby and the Best Kid Ever
  179. BSC 117: Claudia and the Terrible Truth
  180. BSC 118: Kristy Thomas, Dog Trainer
  181. BSC 119: Stacey's Ex-Boyfriend
  182. BSC 120: Mary Anne and the Playground Fight
  183. BSC 121: Abby in Wonderland
  184. BSC 122: Kristy in Charge
  185. BSC 123: Claudia's Big Party
  186. BSC 124: Stacey McGill…Matchmaker?
  187. BSC 125: Mary Anne in the Middle
  188. BSC 126: The All-New Mallory Pike
  189. BSC 127: Abby's Un-Valentine
  190. BSC 128: Claudia and the Little Liar
  191. BSC 129: Kristy at Bat
  192. BSC 130: Stacey's Movie
  193. BSC 131: The Fire at Mary Anne's House
  194. The Baby-sitters Club Super Specials

  195. BSC Super Special 1: Baby-sitters on Board
  196. BSC Super Special 2: Baby-sitters' Summer Vacation
  197. BSC Super Special 3: Baby-sitters' Winter Vacation
  198. BSC Super Special 4: Baby-sitters' Island Adventure
  199. BSC Super Special 5: California Girls
  200. BSC Super Special 6: New York, New York
  201. BSC Super Special 7: Snowbound
  202. BSC Super Special 8: Baby-sitters at Shadow Lake
  203. BSC Super Special 9: Starring the Baby-sitters Club
  204. BSC Super Special 10: Sea City, Here We Come
  205. BSC Super Special 11: The Baby-sitters Remember
  206. BSC Super Special 12: Here Come the Bridesmaids
  207. And Don't Miss

  208. Guide to Baby-sitting
  209. The Notebook
  210. Secret Santa
  211. Chain Letter
  212. The Baby-sitters Club Trivia & Puzzle Fun Book
  213. The Baby-sitters Club Postcard Book
  214. The Complete Guide to the Baby-sitters Club
  215. The Baby-Sitters Club Mysteries

  216. BSC Mystery 1: Stacey and the Missing Ring
  217. BSC Mystery 2: Beware, Dawn
  218. BSC Mystery 3: Mallory and the Ghost Cat
  219. BSC Mystery 4: Kristy and the Missing Child
  220. BSC Mystery 5: Mary Anne and the Secret in the Attic
  221. BSC Mystery 6: The Mystery at Claudia's House
  222. BSC Mystery 7: Dawn and the Disappearing Dogs
  223. BSC Mystery 8: Jessi and the Jewel Thieves
  224. BSC Mystery 9: Kristy and the Haunted Mansion
  225. BSC Mystery 10: Stacey and the Mystery Money
  226. BSC Mystery 11: Claudia and the Mystery at the Museum
  227. BSC Mystery 12: Dawn and the Surfer Ghost
  228. BSC Mystery 13: Mary Anne and the Library Mystery
  229. BSC Mystery 14: Stacey and the Mystery at the Mall
  230. BSC Mystery 15: Kristy and the Vampires
  231. BSC Mystery 16 Claudia and the Clue in the Photograph
  232. BSC Mystery 17: Dawn and the Halloween Mystery
  233. BSC Mystery 18: Stacey and the Mystery at the Empty House
  234. BSC Mystery 19: Kristy and the Missing Fortune
  235. BSC Mystery 20: Mary Anne and the Zoo Mystery
  236. BSC Mystery 21: Claudia and the Recipe for Danger
  237. BSC Mystery 22: Stacey and the Haunted Masquerade
  238. BSC Mystery 23: Abby and the Secret Society
  239. BSC Mystery 24: Mary Anne and the Silent Witness
  240. BSC Mystery 25 Kristy and the Middle School Vandal
  241. BSC Mystery 26: Dawn Schafer, Undercover Baby-sitter
  242. BSC Mystery 27: Claudia and the Lighthouse Ghost
  243. BSC Mystery 28: Abby and the Mystery Baby
  244. BSC Mystery 29: Stacey and the Fashion Victim
  245. BSC Mystery 30: Kristy and the Mystery Train
  246. BSC Mystery 31: Mary Anne and the Music Box Secret
  247. BSC Mystery 32: Claudia and the Mystery in the Painting
  248. BSC Mystery 33: Stacey and the Stolen Hearts
  249. BSC Mystery 34: Mary Anne and the Haunted Bookstore
  250. BSC Mystery 35: Abby and the Notorious Neighbor
  251. BSC Mystery 36: Kristy and the Cat Burglar
  252. The Baby-sitters Club Super Mysteries

  253. BSC Super Mystery 1: Baby-sitters' Haunted House
  254. BSC Super Mystery 2: Baby-sitters Beware
  255. BSC Super Mystery 3: Baby-sitters' Fright Night
  256. BSC Super Mystery 4: Baby-sitters' Christmas Chiller
  257. Baby-sitters Little Sister

  258. BSC Little Sister 1: Karen's Witch
  259. BSC Little Sister 2: Karen's Roller Skates
  260. BSC Little Sister 3: Karen's Worst Day
  261. BSC Little Sister 4: Karen's Kittycat Club
  262. BSC Little Sister 5: Karen's School Picture
  263. BSC Little Sister 6: Karen's Little Sister
  264. BSC Little Sister 7: Karen's Birthday
  265. BSC Little Sister 8: Karen's Haircut
  266. BSC Little Sister 9: Karen's Sleepover
  267. BSC Little Sister 10: Karen's Grandmothers
  268. BSC Little Sister 11: Karen's Prize
  269. BSC Little Sister 12: Karen's Ghost
  270. BSC Little Sister 13: Karen's Surprise
  271. BSC Little Sister 14: Karen's New Year
  272. BSC Little Sister 15: Karen's in Love
  273. BSC Little Sister 16: Karen's Goldfish
  274. BSC Little Sister 17: Karen's Brothers
  275. BSC Little Sister 18: Karen's Home Run
  276. BSC Little Sister 19: Karen's Good-bye
  277. BSC Little Sister 20: Karen's Carnival
  278. BSC Little Sister 21: Karen's New Teacher
  279. BSC Little Sister 22: Karen's Little Witch
  280. BSC Little Sister 23: Karen's Doll
  281. BSC Little Sister 24: Karen's School Trip
  282. BSC Little Sister 25: Karen's Pen Pal
  283. BSC Little Sister 26: Karen's Ducklings
  284. BSC Little Sister 27: Karen's Big Joke
  285. BSC Little Sister 28: Karen's Tea Party
  286. BSC Little Sister 29: Karen's Cartwheel
  287. BSC Little Sister 30: Karen's Kittens
  288. BSC Little Sister 31: Karen's Bully
  289. BSC Little Sister 32: Karen's Pumpkin Patch
  290. BSC Little Sister 33: Karen's Secret
  291. BSC Little Sister 34: Karen's Snow Day
  292. BSC Little Sister 35: Karen's Doll Hospital
  293. BSC Little Sister 36: Karen's New Friend
  294. BSC Little Sister 37: Karen's Tuba
  295. BSC Little Sister 38: Karen's Big Lie
  296. BSC Little Sister 39: Karen's Wedding
  297. BSC Little Sister 40: Karen's Newspaper
  298. BSC Little Sister 41: Karen's School
  299. BSC Little Sister 42: Karen's Pizza Party
  300. BSC Little Sister 43: Karen's Toothache
  301. BSC Little Sister 44: Karen's Big Weekend
  302. BSC Little Sister 45: Karen's Twin
  303. BSC Little Sister 46: Karen's Baby-sitter
  304. BSC Little Sister 47: Karen's Kite
  305. BSC Little Sister 48: Karen's Two Families
  306. BSC Little Sister 49: Karen's Stepmother
  307. BSC Little Sister 50: Karen's Lucky Penny
  308. BSC Little Sister 51: Karen's Big Top
  309. BSC Little Sister 52: Karen's Mermaid
  310. BSC Little Sister 53: Karen's School Bus
  311. BSC Little Sister 54: Karen's Candy
  312. BSC Little Sister 55: Karen's Magician
  313. BSC Little Sister 56: Karen's Ice Skates
  314. BSC Little Sister 57: Karen's School Mystery
  315. BSC Little Sister 58: Karen's Ski Trip
  316. BSC Little Sister 59: Karen's Leprechaun
  317. BSC Little Sister 60: Karen's Pony
  318. BSC Little Sister 61: Karen's Tattletale
  319. BSC Little Sister 62: Karen's New Bike
  320. BSC Little Sister 63: Karen's Movie
  321. BSC Little Sister 64: Karen's Lemonade Stand
  322. BSC Little Sister 65: Karen's Toys
  323. BSC Little Sister 66: Karen's Monsters
  324. BSC Little Sister 67: Karen's Turkey Day
  325. BSC Little Sister 68: Karen's Angel
  326. BSC Little Sister 69: Karen's Big Sister
  327. BSC Little Sister 70: Karen's Grandad
  328. BSC Little Sister 71: Karen's Island Adventure
  329. BSC Little Sister 72: Karen's New Puppy
  330. BSC Little Sister 73: Karen's Dinosaur
  331. BSC Little Sister 74: Karen's Softball Mystery
  332. BSC Little Sister 75: Karen's County Fair
  333. BSC Little Sister 76: Karen's Magic Garden
  334. Baby-sitters Little Sister Specials

  335. BSC Little Sister Special 1: Karen's Wish
  336. BSC Little Sister Special 2: Karen's Plane Trip
  337. BSC Little Sister Special 3: Karen's Mystery
  338. BSC Little Sister Special 4: Karen, Hannie, and Nancy
  339. BSC Little Sister Special 5: Karen's Baby
  340. BSC Little Sister Special 6: Karen's Campout
  341. BSC Friends Forever

  342. BSC Friends Forever 1: Kristy's Big News
  343. BSC Friends Forever 2: Claudia vs. Stacey
  344. BSC Friends Forever 3: Mary Anne's Big Break-up
  345. BSC Friends Forever 4: Claudia and the Friendship Feud
  346. BSC Friends Forever 5: Kristy Power
  347. BSC Friends Forever 6: Stacey and the Boyfriend Trap
  348. BSC Friends Forever 7: Claudia Gets Her Guy
  349. BSC Friends Forever 8: Mary Anne's Revenge
  350. BSC Friends Forever 9: Kristy and the Kidnapper
  351. BSC Friends Forever 10: Stacey's Problem
  352. BSC Friends Forever 11: Welcome Home, Mary Anne
  353. BSC Friends Forever 12: Claudia and the Disaster Date
  354. The Baby-sitters Club Friends Forever Super Specials

  355. BSC Friends Forever Super Special 1: Everything Changes
  356. BSC Friends Forever Super Special 2: Graduation Day